I've been in such a funk lately that I wasn't sure if I was ever going to update this blog again, but my apathy finally snapped this week. I'm a bit embarassed to admit that it took a natural disaster so epic in its proportions that it makes the worst problems in the rest of the world seem tiny, and my own already tiny issues absurdly microscopic. But even this didn't really hit home with me until I saw the pictures of the thick bodies floating in the water, slick and tightly packed like some grotesque cobblestone street. I'm too weak hearted and self-centered to extend what seems like the only significant humane gesture: to go there personally and help in some way. However, through great strength of body and mind I was able to muster enough energy to recite the numbers on my Visa, which I have committed to memory through years of rigorous consumption, to Doctors Without Borders. Here is a list of other worthy recipients from the DailyKos entry on this topic:
Médecins Sans Frontières International Tsunami Emergency Appeal
American Red Cross International Response Fund
AmeriCares South Asia Earthquake Relief Fund
Direct Relief International International Assistance Fund
Oxfam Asian Earthquake & Tsunami Fund
Sarvodaya Relief Fund for Tsunami Tragedy