I feckin' hate it when I can't sleep. Brain is spinning in circles on...nothing really, and everything. Steph and her Mom, myriad bits of technical minutae, work stuff, it's all boiling in there and I can't shut it off. I finally resorted to the old childhood trick my Grandma used on me: drink a little glass of milk. I don't think I digest this stuff as well as I used to, but psychosomatic or not, I could swear I'm starting to feel some drowsies.
One of the ridiculous subjects I've been noodling all night is the nature of my entertainment preferences. I mean, why do I like the movies, music, that I like? Why do I enjoy Firefly/Serenity with an almost irrational fervor? What is it that makes it "good"? Why didn't I like the latest Star Wars sequels? What are they teh sux0rs? Sure, I can think of too many reasons, but what is at the core of my own personal preferences, uninfluenced by my friends opinions?
I thought had something with the notion of character driven versus plot driven, blah, blah, but I'm not really sure I even know what that means. Without spending the rest of evening documenting this flight through my sleepless madness, I think what it really boils down to is that I like to laugh. Joss Whedon knows comedy. George Lucas doesn't, or at least he doesn't know comedy beyond maybe the level of a six year old. And for some reason, I crave humor in my movies and music. I'm not sure why that is. I laugh easily too, I laugh at Rob Schneider fer chrissakes.
Must ponder on that some more.