Oops, I missed a couple of months there. Work continues to be thoroughly engaging. I feel like I'm over the hump for this phase of development, so I'm starting to turn my attention back to things like "life" and spending time writing things like this. If past startup experience is any guide, the next phase of the project will be where we bin it all and redesign everything with a different focus. Danger went through two or three complete product redefinitions before settling on what finally shipped. I guess I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Outside of work, Steph and I have been spending more time in that really big room with the blue ceiling and the bright yellow day star. She has trapped me in her latest obsession: letterboxing. It's a nice way to combine several hobbies such as hiking, photography, bird watching, and pretending to be a pirate. Sadly, due to the equipment we carry and the physical exertion involved, we haven't found a way to integrate motorcycling yet, but we are hoping to work in some off-road Jeeping. I have some pictures that I will post soon.
On a more personal note, I've started to get up early again. Well, it's only been two days so far, but I recently read this essay on becoming an habitual early riser, so I'm trying it out. The trick is that you only go to sleep when you actually get tired, but you must get up at oh-god-thirty in the morning, no excuses. Like I said, it's only been two days, but already this afternoon on Saturday I've been awake for more hours than I typically manage for an entire weekend. I was up until 2am last night, and got up at 8am this morning. It feels good, I'm not tired at all, and I've been getting lots of stuff done. I'm reminded that getting stuff done equates to happiness on many levels. We'll see how I feel about this on Monday.
Amazing that you were in the same frame of mind with "getting things done equates to happiness on many levels" since I also am having an extremely productive, early-waking weekend.
Big difference: my afternoon activity centers around getting ready to have you here. CAN'T WAIT!
get here, get here, get here, get here,
Back to finding the living room floor...
Posted by: hollyjean | March 26, 2006 at 03:21 PM
oh, and one more thing. The early waking is to prepare for surgery monday! Kitty!
And the living room vibrates to "best of Sting and the Police"...
And I fold a nice warm thing for Steph to wear here, unless spring hits us just for your visit, which is predicted...
Posted by: hollyjean | March 26, 2006 at 03:24 PM
interesting, i just noticed that i'm more functional and more awake on 5-6 hours of sleep than i am 7 or 8, which is great and all but i love sleeping!
i suppose this is practice for a kid...
Posted by: andrea | April 24, 2006 at 01:52 PM